Vernon Cases Community Garden invites you to volunteer at a fun, experiential and educational REduce REuse and REcycle Autumn Fair.
Volunteers will provide clear information on what to expect and how they can contribute to cleaning up our city and improving our environment. We will provide you and residents with verbal and written information on what items can be placed in the bins. We will present practical ways in which “waste” can be viewed (REthink) as a resource that can be REused and reintegrated (REimagined).
We will have two workshops led by garden members, information booths and an arts and crafts area. Every workshop, information booth, activity was designed to be in harmony with the name of the event: REduce REuse REcycle REthink and REimagine. You will be assigned to an area (information booth, arts and crafts, red wiggler table) on the day of the event.
Please wear weather appropriate comfortable clothing and shoes. Bring a water bottle and snack if you like. There are delis, markets, a coffee shop and restaurants within a short walking distance of the garden. In very inclement weather, you will be notified if the event is rescheduled. There is no bathroom onsite, the closest clean public bathroom is about a 7 minute walk from the garden.
We welcome volunteers of ages 16 and up. Volunteers under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by a parent.
Registration is required for participation in this event. Please make sure to use the same name and email for all Master Composter Certificate Course events.